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  • Active employees who contribute to the Rio Tinto Alcan Pension Plan (RTAPP);
  • Rio Tinto Alcan pre-retirees and retirees, beneficiaries of the RTAPP;
  • Former RTA employees with a deferred RTAPP pension;
  • Surviving spouses beneficiaries of the RTAPP.

Defined-benefit pension plans are not without risks for retirees and active employees.  Since the 2008 economic crisis, fundamental things have changed in the world of pension funds.

The case of the Sears Canada retirees who lost between 20% and 30% of their benefits when the company went bankrupt is one unfortunate example. 

The threats to the integrity of our retirement benefits come from, among other things, provincial and federal legislation and the management rules established by RTA to manage our pension funds. 

For our pension funds, these threats are evident in:

  • The introduction of letters of credit that affect our fund performance;
  • The transition for new employees from defined-benefit funds to defined-contribution funds, which brings our funds to a foreseeable end and the need for change in its management to lower-risk investments;
  • The new solvency targets imposed by government authorities are much harder to meet and the constraints associated with the use of surplus considerably limit the increase in pensions payable to retirees;
  • The absence of indexation from 2008 to 2021 with the exception of ad hoc increases in 2010 and 2011), which has a considerable impact on our purchasing power;
  • Rio Tinto’s acquisition of Alcan profoundly changed the company’s culture.


  • Analyzes the new legislation and determines its impact on our benefits;
  • Intervenes with common interest groups;
  • Makes representations to RTA to clarify certain aspects of our pension fund;
  • Acts as a conduit between the needs of retirees and the services offered by RT, such as during the ActiPension/RT joint working committee on improving our social benefits;
  • Works with other retiree associations (Canadian Federation of Pensioners, FADOQ, Observatoire de la retraite, and so on) and experts to influence governments in changing legislation and maintaining our purchasing power.

When you join ActiPension, you:

  • Are taking responsibility for your pension plan;
  • Keep informed about the state of your plan;
  • Support our demands to maintain your purchasing power.

Your membership makes all the difference!

The membership period is one calendar year, from January 1 to December 31.

It is possible to sign up for 1, 2 or 3 years at a time.

For information about our policy on the protection of personal information, click here.

  Is taking responsibility for your pension plan

  Is keeping informed about the state of your plan

  Is supporting our demands to save your purchasing power

  Is easy and only takes a few minutes.

Your membership makes all the difference!

Join us